Re: UnixWare

Carl Corey (
Tue, 26 Apr 1994 17:34:09 -0500

>In general, its safer to plan a system to be as inherently secure as
>possible rather than trying to chase the bugs as they arise.
>If you eliminate suid programs, access to dangerous devices, and the
>capacity to leave programs around for you the administrator to execute
>(i.e. trojan horses), you've gone a long way towards making your
>system inherently secure. Almost all defects in the security of public
>access sites lie in one of these things, or in an obvious hole like
>bad file permissions.

I have everything secured as far as that goes.  I have set all permissions,
regulated suid files, I have tcpwrapper and tripwire running, I also run a
slightly modified COPS weekly, mailing any diff to me.  

Basically, I was curious as to true bugs in UnixWare, I.E. any cert
advisories or stuff discussed on bugtraq which are still around.  If
someone uses a program which I believe is secure to gain access, then I'm
not doing my job well enough.  Sometime this week I am going to run a whole
bunch of tests, testing all the certs I know how to exploit, 8lgms, etc....
